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Reiki Offerings in Litchfield County, CT

Reiki Energy Therapy Sessions


This time of relaxation will provide the ultimate stress relief as you treat yourself to a healing atmosphere along with soft lighting, soothing music and a comfortable, warm massage table. During Reiki sessions, clients remain fully clothed. Using a light touch, I will position my hands gently on (or just above) the body to deliver healing universal energy (ki). During Reiki healing sessions I may also use aromatherapy, flower essences, sound therapy, breath work, smudging, chakra balancing and energetic clearing. Each session is intuitively personalized and guided by spirit.  During Reiki Sessions the experience allows for reintegration of mind, body and spirit, and supports your body's own natural capacity for healing. Combining the various modalities deepens relaxation and helps to assist to release old patterns and beliefs which may help you to feel more at peace and move forward in an inspired, awakened state, having long lasting effects. I have a wide range of experience providing Reiki to all ages from young children through adult, including those with special needs and in hospice care. Time is always given after the session to review and discuss ways to integrate the experience. When an in-person visit is not practical, distance healing sessions are also available. Gift Certificates for single and multiple sessions are also available.





*I am currently accepting new clients. The first session for new clients is 90 minutes, which allows time to go over intentions, medical history and answer any questions both before and after the session. The initial session of 90 minutes is $175. Sessions then range from 60-90 minutes in length.

Methods of payment: Cash, Check or Venmo @Kaitlin_Clark ~ Paypal is also available.






( 3% service charge applied when using Paypal) 

Includes Integrative Aromatherapy, Flower Essences and Sound Healing 


60-Minute Session - $135

90-Minute Session- $175







In-Home 90 minute Reiki Session- $200

In-Home visits are also available in the Litchfield County area. I am happy to provide a massage table or provide a discount is you have one.

*Additional charges may apply if further than 20 miles from Litchfield, CT.


Reiki Energy Healing Sessions and Health Consultations are available at the following locations:



143 West Street Suite 104 in New Milford, CT


Kula Collective

499 Bantam Rd. in Litchfield, CT


Please contact me at: (860) 488-0254 for details and times of availability.


*Volunteer Reiki combined with flower essence therapy is also available to those in Hospice Care at no charge. Please contact me for more information. 


Reiki Energy Healing Packages

Multiple one-hour sessions (see above).  While individual Reiki sessions always provide rejuvenation and relaxation, the healing benefits of Reiki are cumulative. Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly sessions are highly effective in assisting the healing process, stress relief and maintaining overall health.  Buying a package of three or more sessions is a wonderful way to continue to incorporate Reiki into your life for health, wellness and vitality. Continuing Reiki sessions have also been shown to enhance your sense of well being. Value packages are available - please contact me for additional package prices not shown here. 



Package Pricing - In Studio

Includes Integrative Aromatherapy and Flower Essences
3 One-Hour Sessions - $390 (save $15)
6 One-Hour Sessions - $760 (save $50)
10 One-Hour Sessions - $1,215 (save $135 ~ Free Session)


Package Pricing - In Home

*Additional charges may apply if further than 20 miles

Includes Integrative Aromatherapy and Flower Essences

3 Ninety Minute Sessions - $585 (save $15)

6 Ninety Minute Sessions - $1,150 (save $50)

10 Ninety Minute Sessions - $1,800 (save $200 ~ Free Session)




Distance Intuitive Reiki Sessions

Relax and receive the benefits of Reiki without leaving your home!

30-60 Minute Distant Session's are available upon request at any time. Regular price is:  $65 for 30 minutes or $95 for one hour. 


Reiki Energy can be sent at anytime, anywhere throughout the world. Distance Healing Sessions are scheduled through phone or email. A focus or intention for the session may also be made. Once the session time is established, you will find a comfortable place to sit or lay where you will not be disturbed. This could be your bed, couch or even the bath. During this time, Reiki Energy will be sent to you and I will  ask for spirit to deliver any mesages or guidance to be delivered that will be for the highest good for all concerned. Once the session is over I will contact you and provide a summary of what was received from the session including messages that came through. 


Testimonial: "I received a distant healing from Kaitlin and it was  a very peaceful session.  I was feeling stressed, during the session I felt the energy shift and began to feel calm.  The information which came through in the session validated what I was struggling with and trying to overcome.  So much was confirmed and Kaitlin offered solutions which moving forward will help me tremendously.  Kaitlin is a truly gifted and amazing healer!"  -Angela


To secure a session - Please email me at: IntegrativeHealing or purchase a session through Paypal and I will contact you to schedule a time. 



What will be Included in the Distance Session:

Once a distance Reiki session is secured, we will arrange for a time to do the session you have chosen through message, phone or email. 

You will need a quiet, comfortable place to relax in your home to relax and want to plan it for a time where you will be undisturbed during the session. You can be laying down in seated, in a bath, etc. However you are most relaxed and comfortable. Before beginning, take a few moments to breathe deep, to relax your mind, body, and spirit. 


*Drinking water before and after the session will also help to cleanse your body and assist the energy flow through the body. 


How does Reiki Feel:

What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies somewhat from person to person. However, feelings of deep relaxation are usually felt by all. In addition, many feel a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and surrounds them. As the Reiki energy encourages one to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings a state of peace and well-being is experienced. Some drift off to sleep or report floating outside their bodies or have visions and other mystical experiences. At the end of the treatment, one feels refreshed with a more positive, balanced outlook.


Please Download and fill out the Reiki Intake Form (see dropdown menu under REIKI)  prior to your appointment. We will review your specific needs prior to the Reiki session. 


Pricing may be adjusted to arrive at a fair exchange for seniors, students, the unemployed, or those living with a chronic illness, disability or other financial difficulty.  


*Reiki Training and Certification Available 

Level I, II, Reiki ART and Master Level Trainings are available privately or in small groups.

Please contact me for more information.


Disclaimer: Reiki is intended to be a supplement to, and not a substitute for, professional medical care and treatment. In the case of any serious medical ailment or condition, you should always consult your doctor for advice. 

© 2025 Integrative Healing Arts, LLC                                                                            Serving Litchfield County, CT

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